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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Season Comes to an End...

Say farewell to Flavor of the Week...for now! Temperatures have started to drop in New York City and the growing season has tapered off. No one is as excited as me for the winter- that means snow and snow means skiing and the only thing I love even close to as much as I love cooking is skiing. But it's bittersweet since the snow also means I have to say goodbye to the farm for a few months. I encourage everyone in the CSA to visit the farmers market in the winter and utilize what NY farmers have to offer during the cold months and I'll still be cooking so if you stumble across something you're not sure how to cook with, shoot me an email and I'll come up with something for the both of u
Anyway- for the final week, the farm has tomatillos and we are making a spicy tomatillo and tortilla soup. Adjust the amount of chipotle chiles in the recipe to hit the heat factor you're looking for. 1 Chipotle chile is pretty tame... and 2 is more up my alley- it bites back just a little. Pick your demon and have fun with the last Flavor of the Week!


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