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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Flavor of the Week 5 Rainbow Swiss Chard

I loved getting this swiss chard! It was so SO awesome!!!! It was the cutest bundle of vibrant rainbow stemmed leaves that tasted so great! I can't stop feasting on this quiche either- enjoy!

How cute is this??
A quick visual guide to the roasting garlic section: (it's so simple!!)
Trim the top off, sprinkle with olive oil and salt.
Package it up in a little bubble of foil and throw it in the oven and let it roast away!

Here's a little shot of what the farm is looking like today- it is SO GREEN UP THERE! I can't believe the amount of vegetation that is flourishing up there. It is really a miracle up there. Walking through beds of chard, I stumbled on a big purple shies plant and couldn't get over how cool it was that what looked like a week on this massive rooftop farm...was shies! Get up there and check it out soon if you haven't yet.


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